2D Paintball
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Support the game and get Perks!

2D Paintball Online was created as a Free-to-play game and will always remain F2P.
If you enjoy playing the game online and want to see it grow, feel free to support!

You are not logged in. You can support anonymously, but no Perks will be given.

As a thank you, the following are the you will receive for each level of support!


+ Supporter label on Player Profile

+ Custom Paint Fill (Pick any fill color!)

+ Player "Flair" Icon (100k+ Flair Options!)

+ Perk/Test Servers Control Access

StatTrack: 1
StatTrack: 203

StatTrack: 17


+ Everything in Previous Tier, plus+...

+ Electro 3-Pack w/ Bonus XP!

+ E-Mech Gun w/ Bonus XP!

+ Pump Gun w/ Bonus+ XP!

"marks" your human opponents on the field & tracks your + 1 kill count!

Earn up to +50% More XP
through Marker Proficiency!


+ Everything in Previous Tiers, plus+...

+ Create & Manage an Online League Team

+ Legendary Series 3-Bundle!
+ Electro 3-Pack w/ Bonus++ XP!

"marks" your human opponents on the field & tracks your + 1 kill count!

Earn up to +75% More XP
through Marker Proficiency!

Perks are tied to your online account; Recurring support is not required, but is appreciated! Example: One time donation of $15.00 will get you all perks, added to your account for good.

More may be added!
Existing supporters will always receive any newly added perks!

Thanks for supporting our small dev studio!

Recent Supporters

User Amount
kenjr5091 $15.00
yaya4194 $10.00
bork $15.00
couly $15.00
trashaim01001 $10.00

Top Single Donation

User Amount
Iceman42586 $101.00
pongwon $100.00
Jer $50.00
DyeHard $30.00
nvokemedia $30.00

Top Supporters (Overall)

User Amount
Iceman42586 $116.00
pongwon $100.00
Jer $50.00
BRAWL $40.00
1nfurnus $40.00
GFBz $30.00
nvokemedia $30.00
DyeHard $30.00
Lloren $25.00
JAX_44 $25.00
RubyScrim $25.00
z0mbii $25.00
locq $25.00
ALEXC17 $25.00

Alpha Testing

Bugs: The game is in alpha. This means random issues may occur (server freezing, rogue bots, and general mayhem.) If you run into any issues, please be patient and send some feedback through our Feedback Button , this will help us track and fix the issues as fast as possible.

Lag: Currently the game is very ping dependent for smoothness in gameplay. If you get 150+ ping to the server, have bad internet, are streaming/downloading anything in the background (or if anyone on your network is) you may have a degraded playing experience (stuttering/lag)
The gameplay should feel perfectly smooth if you get <= 90ms Ping with 60+ FPS (Refer to netgraph at top right of in-game screen.)

Features: During alpha, features, interfaces, systems, and gameplay mechanics may change drastically. We incourage suggestions and Feedback